Tag Archives: Python Programmeurs

How OpenStack Relies on Python to Power the Cloud (Part 2)

In our previous article, we explained that OpenStack is an open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform composed of many individual software services and tools—almost entirely written in Python—which brings flexibility, scalability, and interoperability to cloud-deployed software. OpenStack gives organizations a pathway into the benefits of the cloud without vendor lock-in or a closed...
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How OpenStack Relies on Python to Power the Cloud

Python is a great programming language for implementing large-scale cloud-based software, as we saw in our post about Dropbox. Python’s strengths—fast and easy prototyping, scalability, extensive built-in collection of modules, and a comprehensive of ecosystem of third-party packages—make the language very useful for developing cloud software products. The same is true for the...
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How CircuitPython Brings the Power of Python to Embedded Developers

Since Python is a popular, easy to learn, open source programming language, it has been adapted to fit all sorts of niches. In this article, we’ll discuss how CircuitPython (a fork of MicroPython) is gaining traction for microcontroller programming among makers, students, hobbyists and tinkerers. In a previous article on Python’s role in...
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